Modern Family


Rating: 8.6/10 on IMDB

The only show that can make me cry like a baby and laugh my head off all at the same time.

The writing for this show is immaculate! Every episode has a beautiful message, mostly about family, but not to the point of being corny. I think this show is the modern day “Full House” but is doing a way better job at being a comedy with a nice message that isn’t all about “aww” moments. The show surrounds the life of 3 different families that are all connected. The first family,  Jay and Gloria Pritchett, their son Joe and Gloria’s son Manny. The second family, Jay’s daughter Claire, her husband Phil and their three kids, Hailey, Alex, and Luke. Lastly, Jay’s son Mitchel, his husband Cameron and their adopted daughter Lily. Every single one of these characters are in every episode and is part of the main cast.


Great show! Now on season 5, Wednesdays at 8pm on ABC

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